Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why "Tales of the Wounded World"...?

The names associated with the blog have to do with the campaign world.

"Kandrian Legacy" refers to the game world and some specifics of its mythology.  The primary creator of the world, known by various names in different cultures, supposedly came to an agreement with her arch-nemesis after savage battles at the beginning of time that neither of them could win but that hurt both too severely to continue.  This agreement binds the gods to take no direct hand in the affairs of mortals, being able only to provide power in small amounts to those who discipline themselves enough or give up enough of themselves to gain it.  Freedom of choice is given to the people of Kandria and they may choose light or dark or somewhere in between.  The battles of the gods continue on many fields of battle, whether with weapons, ideas, spells, or even in terms of personal choice, and the sum total of these battles over time will determine the ultimate fate of the world and all of the souls therein.  This is the Kandrian Legacy.

The "Wounded World" refers to more myth but also hard fact.  Whether one believes that the gods made the world out of nothing or whether one believes the sages who say that the world was formed by natural processes, the fact remains that something damaged the world and brought about a great apocalypse long ago.  Some say that the Unmaker struck the world with his spear in frustration, trying to deny it to the creator goddess.  Others say that a rock from the sky fell and hit the world.  Perhaps there is truth in both explanations?  In any case, something happened to the world long ago that changed the geography and killed off whole civilizations.  Hence the "Wounded World" name.

Starting to blog...

Not really much of one to share my thoughts with the general public but this is an interesting experiment.

I've gamed for 30+ years, mostly AD&D, but have dabbled, like many, in other gaming systems such as Villains & Vigilantes (one of the best games ever), Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, Daredevils, Twilight: 2000, and lots of others but AD&D is my one true love and it's what I mess with the most.

I dislike any edition after 2E but can see how 3E, 3.5E, and Pathfinder (especially the latter) can have their place.  I've house-ruled on so many things over the years, changed things to suit me, and used a lot of the "2.5E" (as I've seen the Player's Option books called) to customize that I realize that I don't really play AD&D any more, at least not btb (by the book).  The terms are there and lots of the material is there but it's so heavily house-ruled that it's a different game...or possibly just a different edition.  I've taken to calling it AD&D KE, with the KE standing for "Kandrian Edition".  Kandria is the name for the game world(s) that I have dreamed up over the years and so this is how I've come to refer to it.

I'll post with some sort of frequency and see if anyone finds the blog and, if they do, I'll see how gamers like the house rules and other stuff that I've dreamed up.